

UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) are experts in evidence-based best practice and value for money. NICE’s core purpose is to help practitioners and commissioners get the best care to patients, fast, while ensuring value for the taxpayer. NICE provides national guidance and advice and evaluates new health technologies for use by the National Health Service (NHS) in England, considering clinical effectiveness and value for money. NICE are focused on developing recommendations that matter most to drive innovation into the hands of health and care practitioners, encouraging the uptake of best practice to improve patient outcomes. In EDiHTA, NICE is a co-lead of work package 3 (WP3) which is the work package tasked with designing the EDiHTA framework. In addition, NICE are involved in the work package activities that support digitalization and piloting of the framework as well as outreach and dissemination of the project.

NICE leads on two activities in the project: The review of HTA frameworks that will inform the development of the EDiHTA framework, and the development of the EDiHTA framework domain about cost-effectiveness and economic aspects.



Dalia Dawoud

Associate Director – Research

Zoe Garrett

Senior Scientific Adviser

Jeremy dietz

Scientific Adviser

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