Healthcare professionals in EDiHTA

Through interviews with clinicians from diverse specialties and healthcare managers across Europe, North America, and South America, EDiHTA has gathered valuable insights into the assessment of DHTs at various stages of decision-making and technological maturity. This input will guide the development of a flexible and standardised HTA framework that bridges the perspectives of clinicians and assessors.

The active involvement of healthcare professionals is crucial to the success of the EDiHTA project. EDiHTA brings together four leading healthcare institutions:


All of them share a strong commitment to research, innovation, and Health Technology Assessment (HTA). These institutions emphasise patient-centered care, leveraging innovative solutions to improve outcomes and safety. Additionally, as university-affiliated hospitals, they integrate clinical expertise with academic research and education, fostering a continuous flow of knowledge and innovation. Their multidisciplinary approach enables collaboration across various medical specialties (including clinicians, nurses, information system specialists, etc.) is essential for developing and evaluating diverse digital health technologies (DHTs) at different maturity stages. With extensive clinical settings, these hospitals provide ideal environments for piloting and validating the EDiHTA framework and toolkit, ensuring its applicability in real-world healthcare contexts.

Your input matters: Join us in our mission to shape the future of the European HTA landscape.
Are you a healthcare professional and you want to collaborate with us? Get in touch! 

Prof. Americo Cicchetti
EDiHTA project coordinator 

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