Developers in EDiHTA

Digital Health technologies implementation varies across the different health systems in Europe, whilst the specific characteristics of different markets result in an increasing level of complexity for the developers. Furthermore, current national market access schemes and HTA processes are created without considering the need for guidance for the developers that will apply, therefore resulting in an inefficient evaluation process of the developed technologies that takes a lot of time and sometimes fails to reach a successful implementation of the technology in the market of interest.

Developers are in need of more guidance regarding the evidence needed to demonstrate the added value of digital health technologies, therefore the EDiHTA consortium has set out to involve technology developers throughout the entire process of framework development, from conceptualisation to piloting.  From the first year of the project, we have successfully involved representatives of start-ups, SMEs and multinational companies that are part of 9 different  European markets (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Ukraine, UK) whilst collaborating closely with MedTech Europe.

In 2024 we identified the needs and requirements of this specific stakeholder group regarding current challenges of market access, reimbursement and HTA, whilst also imagining the future of the DHTs market in Europe and the possible role of EDiHTA in supporting a European market for these technologies. Developers will also be involved in the validating phase of the EDiHTA framework in 2026, more specifically during an evaluation workshop and the piloting phase where three technologies will be selected through an open call to test the digital platform of the EDiHTA framework.










Your input matters: Join us in our mission to shape the future of the European HTA landscape.
Are you a technology developer and you want to collaborate with us? Get in touch! 

Prof. Americo Cicchetti
EDiHTA project coordinator 

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